10 Helpful Tips for Planning your Trip to Fort Wilderness at Disney

We are Disney World Junkies and LOVE staying at Fort Wilderness Campground.  We have an annual tradition of visiting the Fort in early December with family and friends to enjoy the holiday decorations.  Sometimes we squeeze in extra visits throughout the year.  Here are tips we have learned over the years that will help you plan your best vacation! I have added links directly into the Disney website to help you easily find the information you need!

Book Early – Disney and Fort Wilderness are very popular.  Reservations open more than a year in advance, so I highly recommend booking your site early.  If you are not able to book in advance, do not give up hope, people book so far in advance that many cancel or change plans.  This will just mean you need to check frequently to snag a cancellation. 

Location – Think of the Fort as a hotel versus your normal campground.  You can select an area, but you do not reserve a specific site. It is just like not being able to pick a specific room at a hotel, but you can choose the view.  If you have a favorite loop or site, you can always request it, just know it is not a guarantee.  Everyone has their favorite areas for various reasons, I am sure you will find your favorite loop too.  My favorite is the premium meadow, but we have stayed in all the areas and have a marvelous time in them all.  Here is a little information about each area:

  • Full Hook-Up – These are the least expensive sites, not paved, and furthest away from the Marina and the Meadow.  These sites are usually a little quieter, but all rig sizes fit in this area depending on the site.  You will see more tent campers in these loops as compared to the preferred and premium.  Some of these loops are closer to the cabins, so if you have friends or family staying at the cabins it can be quite convenient. 

  • Preferred – These sites are closest to the marina, truly an easy walk.  These sites are large and paved, but most of them are narrow.  This can make it difficult, not impossible, for large rigs to navigate into the sites. 

  • Premium – These are the largest paved sites in the campground.  They are longer and wider. They are very big rig friendly.  We like these because there is lots of room in the site for family meals and campfires.

  • Premium Meadow – These sites are the same as the premium, but located the closest to the Meadow Trading Post, Pool, Campfire, and Bike Barn.  This area is busier because of the location.  These are also the most expensive.

Parking – Most of the campsites have room for your RV and one car (we can usually fit two).  If you have additional cars or just want the extra space at your campsite, there is a large parking lot at registration where you can park additional vehicles.  There is not parking at the marina or pool areas, so you do not need cars to drive around the fort.  Buses run throughout the campground and will take you back to the main parking lot. 

Transportation – You have so many options for transportation, you will just have to decide what makes sense for your family.  If you are heading over to Magic Kingdom, the boat across the lake is the easiest way to get there.  If you have a car with you, you have free parking at all parks and I would opt for this because it is easy.  If you do not have a car, no worries because the buses will take you any place you want to go on property. If money is not a consideration, do not forget a Lyft or Uber are an option. 

Schedule Time at the Fort – The Fort is more than a normal hotel or campground.  There is so much to do at the Fort, do not forget to leave time to explore as you are planning your trips to the parks.   You can bike, swim, try your hand at archery, enjoy the nightly campfire and movie, ride horses at the horse stables, take out a canoe, daily activities and more.  Down by the marina you can rent boats to take out on the lake.  Do not forget to ask for the specific weekly activity schedule to see what is going on at the Fort for the week that you are visiting. Here is a direct link to Disney’s recreation page.      

Golf Carts – If you have a golf cart, bring it with you.  If you do not, you can rent one, just ensure you rent the golf cart in advance because they do sell out.  The question I hear the most is do you need a golf cart?  You do not.  You can either walk, bike, or take a campground bus anywhere in the fort.  But the campground is large and it is fun to have the golf cart.  We always rent a golf cart during the holidays because we like to drive the loops to see all the campsite decorations.  There is golf cart parking at all the major centers, marina, pools, trading posts, etc.  

Fire Ring – Disney has a list of approved fire pits.  You cannot use an open fire pit at the Fort. The entire fire must be contained with sides and a top.  Do your research if you plan on bringing a fire pit.

Food – I could write a million blogs on places to eat at Disney, so if you have any questions let me know.  But my tip to you for the Fort is do not forget there are many grocery stores nearby that you can stock up or you can have groceries delivered to you at the fort.  The general store has a couple of necessities, but I would plan for outside groceries.  Our favorite breakfast experience in the entire park is Trails End in the campground.  The weekend brunch is spectacular and includes things like brisket in the eggs.  This might be different due to Covid policy, but will return back to normal soon.  Also, do not forget that every hotel on Disney property has restaurants.  Reservations outside of the parks are typically easier to find and the food is often even better than inside the parks. 

Pet Care – Disney’s rules for pets in the campground are similar to most places we have stayed. The question we see most often is about leaving your pet while you are at the parks.  If your pet can handle that much time in the RV, then it is within campground rules to leave them inside your camper.  The problem of course is the length of time most people stay in the parks.  Best Friends Pet Care is the kennel on property.  It is expensive but a fantastic place to leave your pets.  They have so many options for day visits, including late hours for pick up after park hours.

Holidays & Decorations – It is always fun to stay at the Fort, but Halloween and Christmas are particularly memorable.  Of course, Disney decorates, but it is the individual campers’ decorations that make it so special.  The campers decorate their sites and so many go completely overboard.  If you have not been, it is hard to imagine what “overboard” really means.  Two years ago, there was a campsite with a full-blown castle entrance and Cinderella carriage. Think campsites with 10 or more inflatables. It is an experience you will never forget.  This is when you will really want a golf cart. It is called “looping” and you will want to drive the loops in the golf cart and enjoy the decorations.  Watch our YouTube video from last year for a small preview.

Hopefully, you find this helpful in planning your trip to Fort Wilderness.  I am sure that your trip will be magical. 


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